February 28, 2023

For more than thirty years, the PharmChek® Sweat Patch has been a reliable and trusted drug testing device. And now, the PharmChek® advantage is even more apparent with the introduction of Training Tuesdays, our free, weekly training sessions designed to teach you all you need to know about the patch.

What Are Training Tuesdays with PharmChek®?

Our online self-guided training and certification cover all aspects of PharmChek® products in depth. But if you want to learn how other professionals in your field are making PharmChek® work for them and the people they serve, Training Tuesdays helps make that happen.

Kimberly Henderson, Director of Customer Success, is passionate about helping others. When the opportunity to help current and future PharmChek® customers presented itself, she was a natural fit for the role.

"It's one day out of my week to provide training and teaching, and Tuesdays happened to be the day that worked well for me," says Kimberly with a smile. And so, Training Tuesdays was born.

"I have spent many hours meeting with new and existing customers to provide training, and so have my teammates. During that time, we saw a need where we could provide very targeted information to our current and prospective customers while also promoting collaboration between them, which further boosts the power of the patch."

What's the Goal of Training Tuesdays?

Our regular certification and training offer clear paths to success with the Sweat Patch. Training Tuesdays, however, allows our current and potential customers to ask pertinent questions in real time. But it's more than just getting answers.

According to Kimberly, "Training Tuesdays are a chance to go beyond what you can learn from our website. We answer direct questions, and you also get to learn firsthand from others who utilize the patch."

Who Should Attend Training Tuesdays?

If you're a new customer looking for more training beyond what's available on our website, Training Tuesdays are perfect for you. But existing customers also benefit from these live sessions, offering tips and tricks within a collaborative atmosphere, all helping to take utilization of the patch to the next level.

"We want our customers to talk with each other, learn from each other, and support each other," says Kimberly. And while her role as a sales representative includes product sales, that's different from the role she sees herself playing in the weekly Training Tuesdays sessions.

"As Director of Customer Success, I see my role as an opportunity to provide support and education. Our new and existing customers' day-to-day roles are challenging, and I take a lot of joy and satisfaction knowing that I can help someone, whether a PharmChem, Inc. customer or the individual or family they are serving. That's what my job is all about, and it excites me."

What Topics Do Training Tuesdays Cover?

Our topics circle around our customers' most important questions and challenges. Questions will always exist, such as patch adulteration and accessing test results, but the vision for Training Tuesdays goes further than surface-level questions.

"We dive deep into specific topics our customers have expressed interest in. How to implement a drug testing plan, improving outcomes, navigating the lab website and lab reports, and tips and tricks for the application and removal process, to name a few," Kimberly says.

"We also want to host sessions geared toward a specific type of customer so that they can learn from each other. They are the experts in their fields and have so much knowledge to offer."

How Long Do Sessions Last?

Training Tuesday sessions are about 90 minutes each. While some sessions may finish a few minutes early, filling that time with good conversation is easy. But even if you have to duck out early, you'll still find value.

Kimberly says, "The beautiful thing is that people can join for only a few minutes and still see a benefit. While it's not something we recommend every time, it's possible to join the first half of a session one week and the second half the following week. Our customers are busy and work in fields where urgent things pop up, and we get that. The availability of different sessions lends itself to those unforeseen circumstances."

What Makes Training Tuesdays Different than Online Certification?

Our online resources for training and certification provide the necessary tools to become a trained observer and better understand test results. But when you need more clarification or expert insights, where do you get that kind of help?

Training Tuesdays is an opportunity to have those conversations between colleagues and peers. That means some sessions are built around specific topics and fields.

"We can all learn from each other. What worked, what didn't work, and so on," says Henderson. "And since they're live sessions, it's not a prewritten script but an opportunity to talk with other customers about common questions."

A Deeper Dive

Our certification and training provide the essentials. Training Tuesdays dig into the details.

"They provide a little more in-depth conversation than what customers may find on our website. And we will be adding new topics as customers share additional ideas," Kimberly states.

"We have a variety of topics coming up: Tamper & Adulteration Training, Navigating CRL & Lab Reports, and a deeper dive into the application & removal process, to name a few. We will also be inviting specific types of customers to the conversation."

Connecting to Experts in Your Field

Those invitations are one of the most important parts of this training. By connecting with other specialized experts, you can get questions answered by people who are experiencing your exact challenges.

"We have a session coming up where we are inviting professionals that work with juveniles. We will be hosting one for professionals working in specialty courts. The possibilities are endless as we serve such a variety of folks. Probation, parole, community corrections, monitoring agencies, child protection, pretrial, diversion, and workplace, to name a few."

If You're Not Joining Us for Training Tuesdays, You're Missing Out

Let's be honest: it's easy to push live training aside when you're busy keeping up with your daily agenda. But this time is well worth scheduling into your calendar. That's because Training Tuesdays are much more than just a chat or presentation.

Build Your Knowledge

The Sweat Patch is a simple way to monitor substance use. That doesn't mean it's easy to learn everything there is to know about using it in your field. Brush up on proper techniques, learn some new facts, or troubleshoot issues you've encountered. Even with a single session, you'll come away with a better understanding of our product's abilities.

Grow a Trusted Community

It takes work to build a support group of professionals. With full work and personal schedules, connecting with other professionals is low on the list of priorities. But by building a community of those you can trust, you'll be better equipped for the future. And PharmChek® is here to help you make those connections and grow a more robust peer network.

Test With Confidence

Too often, new customers are reluctant to add a different tool to their process. Maybe it's because they don't know what it can do or fear making mistakes. Kimberly's seen the struggle too many times.

"They decide to become a customer and order their first kit of the PharmChek® Sweat Patch. They may set it on a shelf because they're unsure how to use it. Or worse yet, they use it without fully understanding its capabilities. They've experienced frustration and just give up without inquiring or understanding." With Training Tuesdays, you can test accurately and with confidence. Kimberly aims to make it easy to see success with the Sweat Patch's unique testing capabilities.

What Our Training Tuesdays Attendees Are Saying

I thought Tuesday's training was extremely helpful and informative. The two trainers were great and really, really knew their stuff.

This was a very helpful, informative training, which was well worth my time!

How to Get Started

We make it easy to register for a Training Tuesdays session. Just click the button below, fill out the short form on the next page, and tell us which topic and day you want to attend. Shortly after, you'll receive a link to complete the registration process.

Get It On Your Calendar

Once you're registered, we'll provide a unique link to create an event on your calendar. You can set your own reminders, but we'll also send you a reminder the day before.

Can't Make It? No Worries!

You can cancel your registration, but it's not required. We offer Training Tuesdays at no cost, and if you happen to miss your session, we won't hold a grudge! We know how easy it is to get pulled away by something urgent. Just enroll in another session, and we'll see you next time.

Meet Kimberly Henderson

Kimberly joined PharmChem as a sales representative in 2021 and transitioned to her current role as Director of Customer Success in July 2024.

"I started my career in Child Protection because my desire was to work with adults and help families."

Having seen firsthand the devastating effects of drugs on families, Kimberly wants to help courts and recovery programs break the cycle of addiction to bring families back together.

Kimberly Henderson - Director of Customer Success and facilitator of Training Tuesdays and the PharmChek Academy

Kimberly's Background

Before joining PharmChem, Kimberly was an educator within and beyond the classroom.

"My great grandfather's nickname for me as a child was 'Teach'. As my family moved, my jobs transitioned. I served as a Parent Educator for a school district we lived in, then a Family Advocate for Early Head Start, and even did some life coaching along the way."

Today, Kimberly brings her passion for helping families with her when helping organizations and case workers incorporate the Sweat Patch into their programs.

Kimberly's Current Role

Leading the charge in ensuring our customers' success, Kimberly spends time face-to-face with customers, helping them understand the benefits of our products and enabling them to use the Sweat Patch to its full potential. She says it's a rewarding experience for many reasons.

"When a customer says, 'I appreciate you,' that means the world to me. My customers have tough jobs. If I can make their day a little easier or even brighter, my day is made! I also get to meet and work with new people from all over, and I LOVE that!

"We wake up each day and decide what kind of day it's going to be. I choose to make my days great, and my role at PharmChem and the team I work with each day feed into that."